

Level 3 Certified CrossFit Trainer

CrossFit Weightlifting

CrossFit Gymnastics

CrossFit Kids

Powerlifting cert

IKSFA Level 1 and 2 Kettlebell Sport Coach

Brianna Battles- Pregnancy & postpartum Athleticism

Fitness Pain Free Certification

Member of Recovery Staff: Power Monkey Camp 5, 6, 9 & 12

Thai Massage, soft tissue release, trigger point therapy and Neuro-Skeletal practitioner

Becky Sagen

About Coach

I grew up in Upstate NY being a klutzy kid who was terrible at gymnastics. An obsession with the Black Stallion led me to be a competitive horseback rider as a young teenager, and from there I became a triathlete and swimming instructor in my 20’s before moving to NYC and finding both CrossFit and Kettlebell Sport in my early 30’s. As soon as I found CrossFit I knew it was the right method for me. I found Kettlebell Sport through CrossFit and now hold my Candidate for Master of Sport Certification in Kettlebell Snatch. I'm also honored to be a member of the 2020-2021 Kettlebell Sport National Team.

Motivation & Passion

I love helping people solve problems. How to get a workout in, what’s been going on with their knee, how to achieve their goals in everyday life, or maybe a particular competition/ sport. Some of my favorite work is with people who are recovering, be it from injury/ surgery, postpartum, or chronic pain. There can be a gap between physical therapy and regular gym routines and helping people safely and effectively bridge that gap is a huge passion for me.

Turning Point

Despite riding horses as a kid, I was not terribly athletic most of my life. Chronic knee dislocations from a young age coupled with bad asthma kept me out of most sports and resulted in my orthopedist telling me never to run or lift weights. Instead, I pursued my love of art and became a professional theater technician. When I reached my 30’s I was developing chronic pain from repetitive motion injuries and improper lifting over a decade as a carpenter and welder. Taking my health into my own hands I started studying various stretching, strengthening, and massage modalities. I found CrossFit during this research, and the functional pattern training, constant variation, and group setting was a perfect fit for me and my life. Two years later, I’d eliminated the knee and lower back pain that had plagued me for almost a decade. On top of that, I was stronger than ever, felt better than I had in years, and had a great group of friends! My experiences spurred me to learn more, and ultimately make a career change into coaching and bodywork with the hopes of impacting others’ lives to the same degree mine had been.